organizations fighting human trafficking

Which Organizations Are Helping Fight Against Human Trafficking?

Modern slavery is a reality for millions of people around the world. In the United States alone, over 400,000 people are estimated to be living in modern slavery

In 2011, the prevalence of this crime led then-President Barack Obama to announce January as the National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. In his words, “We must address the consequences of human trafficking and work to tackle its root causes.”

For many years, several organizations have been fighting human trafficking. To end human trafficking, there is a need to advocate for anti-trafficking policies, strengthen child protection systems, and increase awareness of the general population. 

Non-profit organizations fighting human trafficking like DeliverFund continue to raise awareness through community events. They also provide resources to victims to help them cope with the trauma. 

In this post, we’re going to talk about three anti-human trafficking organizations that are actively working towards eliminating this massive problem. 


Compared to any point in history, the world has more modern-day slaves. If you believe that slavery is our shameful past, you’re still in the dark. This is still a pervasive and complex reality in most societies. 

However, organizations such as DeliverFund are working tirelessly – not only to promote awareness, but also to work from the grassroots level. They have to confront broken systems, criminal gangs, traffickers, politics, and more. 

DeliverFund has become the voice for victims who were held against their will. What’s more is that they use cutting-edge technology to end human trafficking. They also  team up with law enforcement agencies to proactively track down traffickers. 

DeliverFund’s founders have worked for decades in Special Operations, NSA, and the CIA. 

How Can You Contribute?

If you wish to support DeliverFund, you can visit their website and donate an amount of your liking to help save more lives. 

Your donation allows DeliverFund to:

  • Create intelligence reports for law enforcement partners
  • Discover and track the online footprint of human traffickers
  • Locate the victims and criminals 

Apart from that, you can also support their work by shopping from their online store and contribute by sharing resources with your network. As a more proactive measure, you can create your own fundraiser to help DeliverFund. 


The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) is one of the most prominent organizations that help sex trafficking victims, particularly child victims. 

They work with law enforcement, private industry, the public, victims, and families to reduce child sexual exploitation. NCMEC is a non-profit, private organization that serves to find missing children across the United States. 

In its 36 years of history, this anti-human trafficking organization has received over 5 million calls reporting missing children. Since then, they have helped law enforcement agencies find 348,000 missing children.

Having trained over 379,000 healthcare professionals, criminal/juvenile justice professionals, as well as law enforcement, NCMEC continues to provide hope for millions of children and their families out there. 

More than 77,000 such families have been emotionally supported by NCMEC volunteers over three decades. 

To help you understand how grim the situation is, let’s have a look at the following statistics provided by NCMEC:

  • Over 21.7 million suspected child sexual exploitation instances were reported to Cyber Tipline, a national mechanism operated by NCMEC that allows electronic and public service providers to report such cases.
  • The Child Victim Identification Program developed by NCMEC has reviewed over 324 million videos and images featuring child victims. They have located and rescued the children found in these sexual abuse materials. 
  • NCMEC along with law enforcement agencies have located 17,000 sex offenders in the year 2020.

As you can observe, the current situation is pretty horrific. 

How Can You Help?

To help NCMEC end human trafficking, there are a number of ways you can help:

  • You can pledge a monthly donation to NCMEC to protect children. 
  • You can donate a one-time amount to help find missing children in the United States. 
  • Donate in the honor of your loved one.
  • Start a fundraiser and encourage others to find and protect more child victims. 
  • Become a fundraiser for NCMEC on your birthday. 

Of course, you can choose to remain anonymous. Your personal information is not shared, sold, or traded with other organizations or entities in any way. There are other ways to give like leaving your will to NCMEC, donating stocks, and shopping from the NCMEC store.   


The exploitation of vulnerable sections of our society has not ended in the 21st century, which is why organizations like A21 exist to end human trafficking. People (women, children, and men) are being coerced or deceived into sexual and verbal violence.

However, what makes this century different is that knowledge and awareness have enabled people to work together to put an end to this shameful reality. 

According to the statistics provided by A21, human trafficking has become a $150 billion industry, and obviously where there’s money, there’s power involved. It’s only with public pressure and support that we can curb modern-day slavery. 

Among the 40 million enslaved, 25% are children, 29% are men, and 71% are women. 

Human trafficking takes many forms, including:

  • Domestic servitude
  • Child soldiers
  • Forced marriage
  • Forced labor
  • Forced prostitution

Here’s how A21, an anti-human trafficking organization, is fighting 21st-century human slavery:

  • A 24/7 confidential hotline service that can be used by law enforcement, victims, and the general public.
  • Aftercare services for victimized children in child advocacy centers. 
  • Training professionals (that are likely to encounter victims) to pinpoint the warning signs and take immediate actions.
  • Partnership with local law enforcement to locate and assist human trafficking victims. 
  • Legal assistance to prosecute the traffickers and support the survivors during the proceedings. 

Is There Anything You Can Do?

The answer is – yes, you most certainly can help. 

Your contribution can save lives. 

You can make monthly or one-time donations to A21, donate stocks, or become a freedom sponsor. If you suspect human trafficking in your vicinity, you can report it here.

Or you can shop for apparel and accessories from their store. The revenue generated from this store is used to strengthen the cause.  

In conclusion: Join the Fight

By becoming more aware of these organizations fighting human trafficking, you can make a difference by contributing in whatever way possible. Moreover, greater awareness helps keep our children safe from predators.

Let this generation be the last one with a history of human slavery. 

Join the fight today to end human trafficking!

Join a community that protects

Our supporters know that every step, big or small, can make a difference in the fight against human trafficking.

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