What is Being Done to Stop Human Trafficking?


Efforts to stop human trafficking involve organizations like DeliverFund using technology and strategic partnerships. Public awareness, government actions, and individual involvement are crucial.

Main Points:

  • Human trafficking can be stopped: Awareness and understanding are key.
  • Solutions: Government policies, public awareness, and organizations like DeliverFund.
  • DeliverFund’s approach: Using technology to disrupt traffickers.
  • Individual actions: Knowing signs, reporting, sharing stories, and donating.
  • Collaborative effort: Government, organizations, and individuals all play roles.

Human trafficking is an enterprise that has a strong presence worldwide, and sadly, this includes the United States. When coming to grips with the reality of human trafficking, it can be difficult to remind yourself that there are things being done to stop human traffickers and human trafficking networks.

But just like there are dangerous and criminal organizations trying to exploit individuals and coerce them into human trafficking, there are also organizations who are fighting to stop these horrendous actions as well. They work tirelessly to recover trafficked individuals and free them from exploitation. Only then can justice be served.

DeliverFund is at the forefront of this fight, dedicated to disrupting human trafficking networks and recovering victims. Every day, DeliverFund employs cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships to thwart traffickers and support survivors, making progress in the mission to end human trafficking.

Here, we discuss solutions to end human trafficking, what is currently being done, and how you can get involved.

Can Human Trafficking Be Stopped?

There are many individuals who wonder if human trafficking can really be stopped. There are common misconceptions that human trafficking happens secretly on the dark web, but traffickers do not operate as you might think. The illicit sale of humans for sexual or labor acts is portrayed differently in movies and television than how they would normally operate in real life.

For instance, in a Hollywood representation of human trafficking, you have likely seen a young victim being kidnapped and tied in the back of a van, driven someplace, and sold into slavery. This is an exaggeration, and in reality, there is much more manipulation and time spent coercing a victim, making them feel dependent on a human trafficker for one reason or another.

Human traffickers play mind games with potential victims, leading them astray and putting forth a promise of something better in one form or another. These criminals also operate in patterns, meaning they tend to play similar psychological games with their victims and pursue individuals who display particular warning signs. Being able to understand these warning signs  is a good first step in the fight against human trafficking.

Specifically, the fact that these warning signs have become commonly shared and promoted demonstrates that organizations (and individuals) have become increasingly familiar with how human traffickers operate.

This awareness, while it might not seem crucial when first considered, is a massive step forward when it comes to stopping human trafficking networks . From spreading stories of survivors to sharing warning signs so that more and more people understand who is at risk, awareness is a key component in the fight against human trafficking, and it is also a tool that everyone can use, not just governments or law enforcement groups.

Possible Solutions to Human Trafficking

We are living at a unique time in the fight against human traffickers. The United States Government has made fighting exploitation a policy priority.

The government understands that this fight requires a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach. They are addressing everything from public awareness campaigns to trade policies in the fight against these nefarious acts. This is all part of a National Action Plan, which is a massive step toward positive change.

Likewise, January has officially been named Human Trafficking Awareness Month. During this month, government organizations seek to correct myths and misconceptions about this abhorrent practice. Even the simple act of making sure people are aware that laws exist to protect them from forced labor is a major step in this fight. By helping the public understand what trafficking really looks like, it’s easier to both spot it and stop it.

While the government’s acknowledgment that trafficking is a public health issue is crucial, smaller organizations are also doing their part. DeliverFund is one such organization. We use a pro-active approach to combat We aim to train both law enforcement and civilians to understand what to look for and the appropriate ways to intervene.

Our Approach: The 10 Points of Disruption

The 10 points of disruption is a proposed solution to human trafficking that aims to dismantle the entire market. AI technology and data analysis are used as tools to halt human trafficking. Ultimately, these tools can scrutinize payment transactions, identify unusual patterns, and promptly notify law enforcement if flagged.

Likewise, this technology can identify social media posts used to advertise services that rely on the exploitation of human labor. If advertising becomes unsafe for traffickers, then that disrupts their revenue stream.

There are many other points of disruption that, once exploited, make trafficking a high-risk, low-reward enterprise. By cutting off a trafficker’s revenue stream, we can instantly weaken their operation.

When you donate to DeliverFund, you’re helping to fund initiatives that use technology to disrupt the industry. It’s an active way to support work on the ground and genuinely transform lives.

Everyone Can Join the Fight to Stop Human Trafficking Organizations

Governmental organizations, law enforcement groups, or anti-human trafficking organizations have resources at their disposal, such as advanced technology and inter-agency partnerships. These go a long way toward stopping human trafficking efforts. But individuals can be powerful allies in this fight as well.

The only way to stop human trafficking once and for all is for everyone to join the fight in whatever way they can. Instead of asking, “What can be done about human trafficking?” ask instead, “What can I do to stop human trafficking?” Even when putting the focus on yourself, you will come to understand there are many actions you can take as an individual that will make a big impact.

There are an endless number of roles that you can take, including:

  • Knowing the warning signs
  • Reporting suspicious behavior
  • Sharing the stories of survivors
  • Donating to the cause

Since there are so many different forms of help at work, it is difficult to see the whole picture. For instance, organizations do work such as:

  • Spreading awareness
  • Collecting data to rescue victims from the criminals
  • Focusing on rehabilitating survivors back to a semblance of normal life
  • Educating survivors and helping them get degrees and jobs so they can rejoin the world
  • Providing legal counsel to survivors or the families of survivors and victims

These organizations and the individuals who join the fight in these ways are often unsung heroes in the ongoing fight against human trafficking, But when you start to understand how many of them are out there, you realize that while stopping human trafficking is a difficult task, it is not an impossible one.

Join The Fight Against Human Trafficking Today!

The reality is that the more people who get involved, the more can be done to stop human trafficking. Put yourself in the action, and help us stop human trafficking once and for all.

Join a community that protects

Our supporters know that every step, big or small, can make a difference in the fight against human trafficking.

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