Two teenaged boys looking at their phones

Resources for Parents #1

DeliverFund is committed to being on the cutting edge of technology and safety when it comes to protecting our most valuable resource, our children. Cyberspace is full of predators; we’ll help you make sure your kids are wearing digital body armor whenever they go online.

Featured Tool:
Netsmartz Training

The Netsmartz website is rich in information for parents of K-12 students. Its user-friendly Online Educator Training Program (available at the link above) walks you through teaching your kids the importance of digital literacy and ethics; inappropriate content; online sexual solicitation; online privacy; sexting; cyberbullying; and practical cybersecurity. Bonus: It’s free, and will help you teach your kids how to be better digital citizens—and stay safe in the process.

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Our supporters know that every step, big or small, can make a difference in the fight against human trafficking.

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