Is there a difference between sex trafficking and human trafficking? This is certainly a valid question, but one that warrants a nuanced reply, as it doesn’t come down to a simple “yes” or “no.” At a broad level, sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking, but human trafficking isn’t limited to sex trafficking.
It is true that sex trafficking victims occupy the largest percentage of the human trafficking industry in the United States. In the 2023 Federal Human Trafficking Report published by the Human Trafficking Institute, 98% of the human trafficking cases processed were sex trafficking cases.
This is significant, but it reiterates that, while different types of trafficking are often lumped into the same category () human trafficking and sex trafficking are not the same. Another widespread form of human trafficking, for instance, is labor trafficking, which occupied 2 percent of cases, according to that same report.
But understanding that human trafficking and sex trafficking are related, while also being aware that they have differences, furthers the importance of understanding the world of human trafficking. Only after people understand there are different types of human trafficking and learn of its truly massive scope of operation, can they come to terms with the urgency of the problem at hand.
Is Sex Trafficking and Human Trafficking the Same Thing?
It’s easy to wonder: what is the difference between sex trafficking and human trafficking? While the terms are often used interchangeably, they are not identical. Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking, but human trafficking covers a much broader range of exploitative activities.
Understanding the difference between sex trafficking and labor trafficking is crucial, because different forms of trafficking—all of which fall under the umbrella of human trafficking—require different solutions to solve. By understanding the distinction, you can help ensure that donations and support are directed to the right causes, creating the most impact in the fight against trafficking.
Understanding Human Trafficking vs. Sex Trafficking
It is obvious that all forms of human trafficking, whether centered around labor or illicit sex or something else, are still forms of modern slavery that force victims to do things outside of their will and consent. Both labor and sex trafficking share many of the same warning signs for potential abuse.
Factors such as substance abuse, poverty, or unstable housing are all details that a human trafficker would try to exploit. But the reasons one trafficker might be pursuing their prey are likely different from another’s motives.
Referring to the 2020 National Human Trafficking Hotline report, 1,116 of the incidents of sex trafficking were linked to escort services, while 939 were related to pornography. Another 626 were connected to illicit massage, health, and beauty services. Additionally, there are other types of incidents that fall within sex trafficking, such as residential-based commercial sex or even personal sexual servitude.

So, if these are all examples of sex trafficking, what is the definition of sex trafficking?
The legal definition is: the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act, in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age.
Human Trafficking vs. Sex Trafficking: Definitions and Scope
Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery that involves the exploitation of people through force, fraud, or coercion. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including forced labor, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation.
Sex trafficking accounts for a larger percentage of reported trafficking cases than labor trafficking. The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime estimates that 79% of human trafficking globally is for sexual exploitation. This doesn’t diminish the impact of labor trafficking, but it underscores the need to address both forms of trafficking with equal urgency.
Differences Between Human Trafficking and Sex Trafficking
Is human trafficking and sex trafficking the same thing? While both human and sex trafficking involve exploitation, the difference between sex and human trafficking lies in their focus. Human trafficking is an umbrella term that includes various forms of exploitation, including forced labor, child labor, and sexual exploitation. Sex trafficking, on the other hand, is specifically centered on the exploitation of individuals for sexual purposes.
The difference between sex trafficking and human trafficking may seem subtle, but it’s critical to understand how to combat both effectively. Both types involve vulnerable individuals being coerced or manipulated, but the goals of the traffickers differ—whether for forced labor or sexual exploitation.
The Importance of Supporting Anti-Trafficking Efforts
Whether it’s sex trafficking or labor trafficking, all forms of human trafficking are severe violations of human rights. Understanding the distinctions between these forms of trafficking, and asking the right questions, such as whether human trafficking and sex trafficking the same thing, helps shape more effective interventions.
Supporting anti-trafficking efforts, like those led by organizations such as DeliverFund, is essential. They provide crucial resources to help authorities track down traffickers and rescue victims. By donating and raising awareness, you can play an active role in the fight against human trafficking, ensuring that all victims receive the help they need.
Join the Fight Against Human Trafficking
Sex trafficking incidents top the list when it comes to types of human trafficking, but all forms of human trafficking need to be put to an end. Being aware of how human traffickers operate, and better understanding the common warning signs of potential victims goes a long way. Arming the public with this awareness is a crucial component of the fight.
It is also important to donate if and when you can. Organizations like DeliverFund get information into the hands of authorities and help put human traffickers to justice. Donate today, and join the fight against human trafficking!